SSC or Equivalent Details Available: *: YES NO
Name *: Name of the father*:
Date of birth*: Aadhaar No*:
Educational qualification*: Phone Number:
Caste*: Sub-caste*:
Is an orphan *: YES NO
Mother's Name
(As per Bank Account)*:
Mother's Aadhaar No*:
Is Disabled*: YES NO

Income Certificate Details:
Meeseva No:*    
Applicant Name : *
Father Name : *
District : *
Mandal : *
MRO Name : *
Total Income : *

Permanent Address:
Address Line1*: Address Line2:
District*: Mandal*:
Village*: PIN CODE:

check here if Permanant Address & Present Address is same

Present Address:
Address Line1*: Address Line2:
District*: Mandal*:
Village*: PIN CODE:
Present occupation*:

Bank Account Details (Mandatory Only for Orphans)
Account Holders Name: Select District:
Select Bank: Bank IFSC Code/Branch Name:
Bank Account NO:

MOTHER'S Account Details(MANDATORY):
Account Holders Name*: District*:
Bank*: Bank IFSC Code/Branch Name*:
Bank Account NO*:
SSC or Equivalent Details Available *: YES NO
Name of the bride groom*: Name of the father*:
Date of birth*: Aadhaar No*:
Educational qualification*:
Caste*: Sub-caste*:
Family Income(Per Annum): Present occupation*:

Permanent Address:
Address Line1 :* Address Line1 :*
District*: Mandal*:
Village*: PIN CODE:
Date of marriage*:
Place of marriage*
(Name of the temple/Kalyana Mandapam/any other institution):
Address of marriage place*:
Note*: All files should be in jpeg/jpg format & file size Should be greater than 50kb and less than 150kb.
Bride's Photo*:
Bride's Age proof certificate:
Bride's Scanned Aadhaar Copy:
Bride Mother's Scanned Aadhaar Copy*:
Bride Groom's Scanned Aadhaar Copy:
Bride Mother's Scanned Bank pass book*:
Bride's Scanned Bank pass book:
Please Enter the code in the image :

Note*: For all technical problems Please contact following phone numbers : 040-23120311,23120312
(All Calls will be answered 10:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. on Working Days).